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想请教下,LTE协议中的normal tracking area 和combined tracking area有哪些区别?
提问者:flashwade   |  提问时间:2012-4-11 11:29
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kin5000 的答案    ( 采纳时间:2012-4-11 17:51 )
-  normal tracking area updating to update the registration of the actual tracking area of a UE in the network;
-  combined tracking area updating to update the registration of the actual tracking area for a UE in CS/PS mode 1 or CS/PS mode 2 of operation;

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flashwade  |  2012-4-11 15:33
CS/PS mode 1

CS/PS mode 2

kin5000  |  2012-4-11 17:15
A UE attached for EPS services shalloperate in one of the following operation modes:
-  PS mode 1 of operation: the UE registers only to EPS services, and UE's usage setting is "voice centric";
-  PS mode 2 of operation: the UE registers only to EPS services, and UE's usage setting is "data centric";
-  CS/PS mode 1 of operation: the UE registers to both EPS and non-EPS services, and UE's usage setting is "voice centric"; and
-  CS/PS mode 2 of operation: the UE registers to both EPS and non-EPS services, and UE's usage setting is "data centric".

A UE configured to use CS fallback, shall operate in CS/PS mode 1 or CS/PS mode 2. Such UE may also be configured to use IMS.

A UE configured to use SMS over SGs, but not configured to use CS fallback, shall operate in CS/PS mode 1 or CS/PS mode 2. 
flashwade  |  2012-4-11 17:51
Thank you
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