咨询一个LTE路损模型的问题 (进入论坛模式)
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提问时间:2012-6-12 21:02
想做一个单天线的仿真环境,用到了TR 36.814中给出的Urban Macro路损模型,但是根据表里面的NLOS公式,比如UE距BS500米,那么得出的信号衰减为300多dBm,感觉明显不对啊.....好像问题出在载波频率fc那一项,我看下面的注释写的单位是Hz,但是查了一篇北邮的论文此处用的单位是GHz,如果用GHz的话,得出的衰减为100多点,似乎更靠谱。请教大家哪里出了问题,多谢了。
问题答案 ( 4 条 )
note that the unit of R is km, not meter.
for example,
Model 1:
Macro to UE:
L= 128.1+37.6log10(R)
R=0.5km, we have L = 116.8 dB.
The carrier frequency item has been combined into the constant(i.e. 128.1).
for example,
Model 1:
Macro to UE:
L= 128.1+37.6log10(R)
R=0.5km, we have L = 116.8 dB.
The carrier frequency item has been combined into the constant(i.e. 128.1).
你好,非常感谢你的回答,如果是表B.1.2.1-1中的Urban Macro信道模型,里面还是有载波频率那一项,请问这个该用什么单位?
it has already been stated in the table :)
Path loss [dB]
Note: fc is given in GHz and distance in meters!
Path loss [dB]
Note: fc is given in GHz and distance in meters!
确实 我也发现这个问题了。。。之前找了那么长时间居然没发现,多谢了啊:)