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离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:洪谊   |  提问时间:2012-5-11 11:06
[MA5600V800R008: 2005]
 sysname OLT-307-DaLangGaoYingDaWei-MA5680
 terminal user name buildrun_new_password root *J:!RQ2#;%ITNNY!7R8DC[.W7@* 7
0000:00:00:00:00:00 2012:05:02:16:03:12 root 1 65535 "-----"
 terminal user name buildrun_new_password chakan *YUFKK>76_%O*8:K1aRZ%S&/7@* 0  2012:04:01:15:40:43 2012:04:01:15:40:43 root 2 65535 "-----"
  traffic table ip index 7 name "6M" cir 6144 cbs 198608 pir 12288 pbs 395216 
priority user-cos  0 inner-priority user-cos  0 priority-policy local-setting
 traffic table ip index 8 name "10M" cir 10240 cbs 329680 pir 20480 pbs 657360  priority user-cos  0 inner-priority user-cos  0 priority-policy local-setting
 traffic table ip index 13 name "kd" cir off  priority user-cos  1
priority-policy tag-in-package      
 traffic table ip index 14 name "zd" cir off  priority user-cos  6
priority-policy tag-in-package
 traffic table ip index 15 name "gl" cir off  priority user-cos  5
priority-policy tag-in-package
 switch adsl mode to rfc2662 vdsl mode to tr129
 trap convert event-to-alarm 0x3721000a
 alarm output alarmid 0x2e32305f
 trap filter event condition id 0x2e30501a
 trap filter event condition id 0x2e30a10d
 trap filter event condition id 0x2e30a10e
 trap filter event condition id 0x60201027
 trap filter event condition id 0x6030a019
 trap filter event condition id 0x6030a01a
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e112003
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e112004
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e112006
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e11a008
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e11a00a
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e11a00c
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e11a00e
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e11a00f
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e313015
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e313016
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e313017
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e313018
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e313019
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e31301a
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e313024
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e313025
 trap filter alarm condition id 0x2e31302a
 command modify privilege-exec level administrator erase
 xpon mode switch-to profile-mode
 dba-profile add profile-id 10 profile-name "HG8240-KD" type4 max 20480
 dba-profile add profile-id 11 profile-name "HG8240-ZD" type1 fix 1024
 dba-profile add profile-id 200 profile-name "DBA_200M" type3 assure 51200 max  204800
 dba-profile add profile-id 202 profile-name "DBA_4M" type3 assure 2048 max 4096
 dba-profile add profile-id 205 profile-name "DBA_6M" type3 assure 5120 max 6144
 ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 1 profile-name "HG8110"
  ont-port pots 1 eth 1
  multicast-forward untag
  port vlan eth 1 translation 10 user-vlan 10
  port vlan iphost translation 501 user-vlan 501
 ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 2 profile-name "HG8010"
  ont-port eth 1
  multicast-forward untag
  port vlan eth 1 translation 10 user-vlan 10
 ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 0 profile-name "line-profile_default_0"
  tcont 0 dba-profile-id 2
  tcont 1 dba-profile-id 0
 ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 1 profile-name "HG8110"
  qos-mode gem-car
  tcont 1 dba-profile-id 10
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 11
  gem add 1 eth tcont 1 encrypt on
  gem add 2 eth tcont 2 encrypt on
  gem mapping 1 0 vlan 10
  gem mapping 2 0 vlan 501
 ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 2 profile-name "HG8010"
  qos-mode gem-car
  tcont 1 dba-profile-id 10
  gem add 1 eth tcont 1 encrypt on
  gem mapping 1 0 vlan 10
 ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 24 profile-name "line-profile_24"
  mapping-mode priority
  tcont 1 dba-profile-id 200
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 202        
  tcont 3 dba-profile-id 205
  gem add 1 eth tcont 1
  gem add 126 eth tcont 3
  gem add 127 eth tcont 2
  gem mapping 1 0 priority 1
  gem mapping 126 0 priority 6
  gem mapping 127 0 priority 5
 board add 0/1 H802GPBD
 board add 0/2 H802GPBD
 board add 0/19 H801GICF
 board add 0/20 H801GICG
 board add standby
 rack info 0 description "RACK-300" name "RACK-300" manufactured-name "Huawei"
 system ex-mode backup
 snmp-agent local-engineid 800007DB03707BE8009F90
 snmp-agent community read public
 snmp-agent community write private 
 snmp-agent community read r-jingyesi
 snmp-agent community write w-jingyesi
 snmp-agent sys-info version v1 v2c
  snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname default_para v1 securityname public
 snmp-agent trap enable standard
 vlan 990 smart
 port vlan 990 0/19 0
 interface gpon 0/1
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable
 port 2 ont-auto-find enable
 port 3 ont-auto-find enable
 port 4 ont-auto-find enable
 port 5 ont-auto-find enable
 port 6 ont-auto-find enable
 port 7 ont-auto-find enable
 interface gpon 0/2
 port 0 ont-auto-find enable
 port 1 ont-auto-find enable
 port 2 ont-auto-find enable
 port 3 ont-auto-find enable
 port 4 ont-auto-find enable
 port 5 ont-auto-find enable
 port 6 ont-auto-find enable
 port 7 ont-auto-find enable
interface giu 0/20
 auto-neg 0 disable
 speed 0 100
 mdi 0 normal
 auto-neg 1 disable
 speed 1 100
 mdi 1 normal
 autosave interval on
 emu add 0 fan 0 1  "H801FCBB"
 interface emu 0
 fan speed mode automatic
 mpls label start 8192
 interface vlanif990
interface vlanif990
 ip address
interface meth0
 ip address
interface null0
 authentication-scheme "default"
 authorization-scheme "default"
 accounting-scheme "default"
 domain "default"
 ip route-static
回答时间:2012-6-11 10:31
我要回应:  回应字数在5000字以内


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