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物联网 今日: 0|主题: 2697

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元宇宙和数字孪生 479307812 2021-12-3 11412 为别人打工的人 2021-12-3 09:43
HUAWEI HiLink attachment w-z-f 2018-4-19 73854 sunshine121 2021-11-29 09:05
应急场景下,有哪些现场态势感知的产品? xianshuiyu 2021-3-2 15680 xun007 2021-11-29 08:49
[技术讨论] Zigbee模块、NB-IOT模块、LoRa模块谁将主导未来物联网市场? zenan109 2021-11-2 155373 cqxxin 2021-11-27 08:55
[市场分析] 乘风而起,工业互联网的投资机会在哪? sola1217 2021-11-26 02010 sola1217 2021-11-26 10:27
NB网络保障体系内容 jeafee 2021-11-26 11320 长安书生 2021-11-26 10:08
物联网应用场景 两个正好 2021-11-25 01243 两个正好 2021-11-25 15:55
[资料下载] 封装天线技术发展历程回顾 attachment lvszqy 2020-1-2 18302 links19123 2021-11-25 14:14
[问题讨论] 为什么要使用开关柜无线测温系统来对电气设备进行测温呢? zenan109 2021-11-25 01754 zenan109 2021-11-25 14:02
[资料下载] 内置LORA模块的手持终端PDA设备 attach_img zenan109 2021-11-24 01801 zenan109 2021-11-24 10:39
[市场分析] 物联网市场的年增长率有多少? 波澜不惊 2021-11-22 01671 波澜不惊 2021-11-22 21:39
物联网行业发展方向 文渊狮城 2021-11-22 01262 文渊狮城 2021-11-22 11:20
NB-IoT演进方向 mine670 2021-11-15 32019 mine670 2021-11-17 17:35
[资料下载] 民航局发布无人机飞行数据格式规范 attachment Edward3463 2020-1-10 38134 23456G 2021-11-17 15:20
[市场分析] 中国联通5G未来社区白皮书(2020年) attachment shauvetxcw 2021-7-8 104194 ltlj0001 2021-11-17 15:02
[技术讨论] FTTR家庭组网 attach_img 诡异互动 2021-11-17 02067 诡异互动 2021-11-17 10:00
[资讯动态] 物联网 JimmyBJ 2021-11-16 01738 JimmyBJ 2021-11-16 13:35
[技术讨论] 5G NB-IoT增添了什么新内容? adamth 2021-6-29 22964 mine670 2021-11-12 14:19
[技术讨论] 物联网与5G jwlzl 2021-11-10 22161 骑上路 2021-11-11 15:58
物联网培训资料 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 hopecity 2017-10-24 22294954 lxy1984 2021-11-10 11:15
[资料下载] NB-IoT_物联网精品资料大全 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..15 htyjump 2018-2-27 28588482 lxy1984 2021-11-10 10:43
请教一个关于物联网基站的问题 bransyin 2021-10-23 124648 cooper_19 2021-11-7 18:05
出门一公里还有信号!这就是下一代WiFi zoemax 2021-11-6 21655 xuqz 2021-11-6 20:04
中国移动关于窄带物联网(NB-IOT)详细先容 attachment verycd 2018-1-26 55757 xccxnqg 2021-11-5 16:37
移动物联网模块 wsq401 2021-11-4 01211 wsq401 2021-11-4 23:38
6G边缘互联 attachment dgfh 2021-10-18 12100 qkb_75@163.com 2021-11-4 14:44
[资料下载] 5G 确定性网络@ 电力系列白皮书I attachment njdog 2021-10-9 44694 xccxnqg 2021-11-4 09:07
[资料下载] NB_IoT白皮书-罗德施瓦茨 attachment jcs3431982 2021-10-18 12733 xccxnqg 2021-11-4 08:29
[技术讨论] 城市燃气管道物联网化监测解决方案 Lin_abby 2021-6-30 53220 xccxnqg 2021-11-4 08:27
[资料下载] 电容失效分析,非常不错 attachment wangxin2017 2019-5-31 12531 kyokai725 2021-11-1 16:50
定时器LTE whj1994 2021-10-28 01608 whj1994 2021-10-28 18:58
通信的未来 pyiping 2021-10-25 31928 czzkx2019 2021-10-26 13:10
求一个APN专线的技术规范书 寶通1291 2021-10-22 01699 寶通1291 2021-10-22 11:07
[问题讨论] IoT 设计哪些技术 erchenger 2021-10-21 12232 设计院新丁 2021-10-21 16:11
NB-IoT终端测试电平低于-80就不能用了 xtodo 2021-10-19 21897 移动网络小龙 2021-10-20 22:45
LoRaWAN正式版说明书V1.0.2 attachment  ...2 zhang433 2017-11-28 2212351 Dianilha 2021-10-20 14:19
[资料下载] 基于MEC的5G车联网业务分析及应用 attachment agree  ...23 Noble07 2019-7-4 4313650 ioritxrjy 2021-10-19 14:31
NFC 天线 天下023 2021-10-18 01841 天下023 2021-10-18 16:55
[技术讨论] IIoT 5G And Wi-Fi 6: Comparative Analysis of IPQ6018 and IPQ8072 on Routerboards attach_img wallys123 2023-9-20 02747 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] Exploring IPQ9574 and IPQ9557 Chipsets for 802.11be Standard MLO Application attach_img wallys123 2023-9-19 02841 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] The Future of Connectivity: IPQ6010 IPQ9574 IPQ9554 on Routerboard attach_img wallys123 2023-10-11 02779 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] Unleashing Power of Wi-Fi 7 with Qualcomm's QCN9274 QCN6274 DBDC Modules|Wallys attach_img wallys123 2023-10-16 02880 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] Differences between AP Mode and Router Mode? | IPQ9574 IPQ9554 wifi7 Solution attach_img wallys123 2023-10-7 02904 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] IPQ6018 IPQ6010 IPQ5018 IPQ9574 Routers in P2P &P2MP Networks Applications wallys123 2023-9-15 02705 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] IPQ9574,IPQ9274,QCN6274,QCN9274 Chipsets on Routerboard wallys123 2023-9-18 02857 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] Qualcomm IPQ8072 IPQ8074 OnRouter boards offer 10GbE and WiFi 6 attach_img wallys123 2023-9-21 22828 wxy1972 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] SoM Solution: IPQ5018 and IPQ4019 on Mainboard with OpenWifi OpenWrt Support attach_img wallys123 2023-9-22 13065 245805570 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] QCN9074 QCN9024: Unleash Power on WiFi 6E IIoT 4x4 Triband Network Cards attach_img wallys123 2023-9-25 02766 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] Wi-Fi 6 Or Wi-Fi 6E?|IntroduceIPQ6018 IPQ6010 IPQ5018 Qualcomm SoC WiFi6 family attach_img wallys123 2023-10-8 02866 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04
[技术讨论] QCN9074 vs. QCN9024 on 4*4 M.2 Cards with 2.4G, 5G, 6E Tri-Band Support ? attach_img wallys123 2023-10-12 02918 wallys123 2021-10-18 10:04

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