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发表于 2019-8-15 05:51:51 |显示全部楼层
企业名称: Tekiva AB
职位名称: 基帶軟件工程師
工作岗位: App工程师
所在地区: 海外 » 不限
专业要求: 通信
性别要求: 不限
学历要求: 本科
职位性质: 全职
薪酬待遇: 30000~49999 月
工作经验: 五年以上
联系人: John
联系电话: 0763918580
email: john@tekiva.se
Job Description: Baseba​nd SW Designer(基帶軟件開發工程師)

Experience and knowledge of 3GPP standard(LTE and 5G)

A.  L1, L2 and L3 competence(i.e. expert knowledge of these layers in the SW protocol stack and forimplementation according to 3GPP standards)
  Experienced designers from L1,L2(MAC, RLC, UPC) and L3(RRC and NAS) i.e. both physical layer and controlplane implementation
B.  Knowledge and experience fromimplementation on mobile phone or base station side
C.  Knowledge and experience ofcore network (in a telecom system)
D.  Experienced designers in C/C++
E.  Experience from continuousintegration
F.  FPGA development experience
G. At least 5 years experience in Telecomindustry Rnd.

As a person you are
- Learn new technologies and techniquesquickly
- Team player
-”can-do” attitude

1. 中文+英文簡歷請著重描述清楚項目工作經驗,在項目中承擔的主要職責
2. 用過哪些類型的測試設備和軟件

待遇簡介: 歐洲當地薪水(本職位月薪至少30K以上,另有房補), 具體根據經驗水平面議,房屋補貼,免費的醫療教育及失業保險等福利(伴侶及子女可隨行, 且享受同等免費醫療教育失業保險等福利)

  有意者請聯繫:job@tekiva.se, 或電話:+46-763918580 , 並附上中英文簡歷, 聯繫方式, 及大致入職時間.

  Phone test (optional) ->Email test -> on-site test -> decision .
  Phone test: 可選, 20分鐘, 測試技術英語口頭交流能力
  Email test: Generic programmingskills.
  On-site test: 歐洲或北京
  Decision: 啟程赴歐


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