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看了很长时间的LTE加密,发现一个问题  (进入论坛模式)
提问者:630053570   |  提问时间:2011-12-15 21:18
UE在进行attach request时,向MME发送的UE security capability竟然支撑空的加密和完整性保护算法,这是不是意味着UE可以不支撑加密和完整性保护?如果不是这样,那为什么LTE标准会这样考虑,为什么不强制实行加密算法?
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 |  回应该答案 (0)  |  回答时间:2011-12-16 08:33
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回应该答案 (0)  |  回答者:peterqiuy   (助理工程师一级)  |  2011-12-16 08:47
 |  回应该答案 (0)  |  回答者:固定无线接入   |  2011-12-16 16:34
空加密算法好像是在attach for emergency service的情况下才用的,当采用空加密算法时,也认为是加密的,空加密!=不加密,不知道理解的对不对
 |  回应该答案 (0)  |  回答者:kungfool   |  2011-12-17 23:34

 |  回应该答案 (0)  |  回答者:DR_KOG_POM   |  2011-12-20 08:48

空口上数据相对容易获得,RRC加密必选;s1传输的NAS层在IP上承载,一般由运营商掌控,相对来说还算安全,不加密NAS也说得过去。不一定只针对emergency call,普通call不加密NAS也是正常的。
 |  回应该答案 (0)  |  回答者:hycl5410   |  2011-12-20 11:09
Security header type (octet 1)

8 7 6 5
0 0 0 0 Plain NAS message, not security protected

Security protected NAS message:
0 0 0 1 Integrity protected
0 0 1 0 Integrity protected and ciphered
0 0 1 1 Integrity protected with new EPS security context (NOTE 1)
0 1 0 0 Integrity protected and ciphered with new EPS security context (NOTE 2)

Non-standard L3 message:
1 1 0 0 Security header for the SERVICE REQUEST message

1 1 0 1 These values are not used in this version of the protocol.
to If received they shall be interpreted as ‘1100’. (NOTE 3)
1 1 1 1

All other values are reserved.

NOTE 1: This codepoint may be used only for a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message.
NOTE 2: This codepoint may be used only for a SECURITY MODE COMPLETE message.
NOTE 3: When bits 7 and 8 are set to '11', bits 5 and 6 can be used for future extensions of the SERVICE REQUEST message.
 |  回应该答案 (0)  |  回答者:hycl5410   |  2011-12-20 11:51
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