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[通信技术与资料] 分布式系统为什么需要同步 [复制链接]


亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  新兵

发表于 2024-3-5 22:46:57 |显示全部楼层
这个是Leslie Lamport 大神在1978年写的经典论文,讨论了分布式系统的同步问题。非常值得一读。

Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System
The concept of one event happening before another in a distributed system is examined, and is shown to define a partial ordering of the events. A distributed algorithm is given for synchronizing a system of logical clocks which can be used to totally order the events. The use of the total ordering is illustrated with a method for solving synchronization problems. The algorithm is then specialized for synchronizing physical clocks, and a bound is derived on how far out of synchrony the clocks can become. Key Words and Phrases: distributed systems, computer networks, clock synchronization, multiprocess systems.

Time, clock and the ordering of events in a distributed system-Leslie Lamport.pdf

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