一家著名外国媒体看到了诺基亚移动网络业务负责人的内部博客,其中说:“近年来,MEO在无线接入网络(RAN)领域,只有HUAWEI一家供应商。换句话说,HUAWEI在(MEO的)2G/3G/4GRAN中占有100%的份额。现在,大家已经被(MEO)选中在葡萄牙的一些关键地区取代HUAWEI”(Inrecent years,MEO .. hasbeen supplied in RAN only by Huawei. In otherwords,Huawei has had a 100% market share in2G/3G/4G.We have now been selected to replaceHuawei in some of the key markets in Portugal.)。上述博客还表示:“(与ME0的)这笔(无线网络设备)交易将标志着诺基亚'重返'葡萄牙的RAN市场。多年之前,诺基亚在葡萄牙的(RAN)市场被HUAWEI夺走,此后再没有能够向该国的任何通信服务提供商提供RAN”(Thedeal would mark Nokia's return to Portugal's RANmarket after it lost market share there to Huaweimany years ago and has notsupplied anycommunications service providers with RAN in thecountry since then.)。